Band members.

Harry Yates, 21. Lead singer, songwriter, and rhythm guitar. At 15, life asked questions that troubled Harry. He was trying to make sense of pain he didn’t understand. One day strumming an acoustic guitar on his bed, Harry talked about Dave Grohl. The Foo Fighters were Harry’s second favourite band after Nirvana. It was then Harry decided he wanted to be a musician. Harry was born in Singapore to Australian journalist parents. He lived his early years in Jakarta, Jerusalem, and Singapore. His father Dean Yates has a book coming out in mid-2023 called Ward 17: A Journalist’s Odyssey to Unlock the Mystery of his Trauma. Harry’s mother Mary Binks won a Walkley award at 24. Harry just finished the 2nd year of a music degree at the Conservatorium of Music in Hobart and is taking a Gap Year in 2023. Work the music biz. The degree can wait.

Hamish Lehner, 21, is lead guitarist and a backup vocalist. He sings most of the covers. Hamish first picked up a guitar aged eight, which shows from his technical skills and riffing prowess. Like Harry, Hamish is putting his studies at the Conservatorium of Music in Hobart on hold. Famous quote “Sorry I’m late!”

Jordan Grant, 21, plays bass and does backup vocals. Jordan’s previous role as drummer in Frogs In Suits is invaluable to his rhythm and timing. He thrives on playing live and mixing it up with the crowd. He also loves fishing!

Will Barton, 18. New member to the band coming in on the drums. Despite Will’s age he has incredible skills on the drums from his practice and tutoring being jazz focused. Humble and “chill” is how he presents himself but don’t let this fool you because this kid can certainly play.


We want people to feel the same way we do when writing music and performing. The emotions that drove our songs into creation: despair, sadness, frustration, and angst. Yeah OK, we have fun, too. But music is a form of art. Life is art. As Robin Williams’ character John Keating said in Dead Poets Society: “Medicine, law, business, engineering: these are noble pursuits and necessary to sustain life but poetry, beauty, romance, love -- these are what we stay alive for.”

So, we ask, why wake if there’s nothing to feel?

Our new EP Waist Deep (released Dec. 2) was recorded at the Grove Studios in NSW with in-demand young producer Jackson Barclay. Joel King of The Brag Media (and founder of Music Feeds) put the enterprise together. Waist Deep diverges from our debut, Vertebrae Animals of Class. Then, we were in Year 12 at Launceston College in Tasmania switching from grunge to garage. Prog to psychedelic. Wanting to be like Smashing Pumpkins, Silverchair, or Arctic Monkeys. Dreaming of Kurt.

Our nucleus is now Rock but combines a hybrid of tastes. Alternative Rock? Maybe. We’ve mixed rock, prog, shoegaze, mainstream pop, dream pop & chamber pop.

We’ve tried to dissect the thin breaking line around our own mortality with our new EP. A letter before death in soundwaves. There were no epiphanies or revelations constructing the songs, just an understanding of how the brain works through different emotions. The depth of our music -- as we see it -- is defined by what has emerged from such desperation.

That’s why we say our music is best felt through emotions, not described by references, similarities, or sounds. A desire to bring meaning keeps the music going. The moment we knew we wanted to pursue our dream was when no matter how hard we avoided it, music came back in our lives. We hope to reach people who share our desire.